Saturday, April 24, 2010

What Evangelicals and Atheists Have in Common

Jethani's purpose is to train pastors and is obviously afraid of us Atheists! If he paints Atheists as a movement to be feared, it will give him ammunition in promoting his own agenda. And it warms my Atheistic heart that his writing this article demonstrates that we Atheists are making some of the religious crazies nervous! Good for us! We need to voice our side with fervor because it is the religious right, the Evangelicals, that caused the blurring of separation of church and state and to discrimination against those of no faith! And yes, we have unabashed contempt for the unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural and intolerance, ignorance, and brain washing by religion as it leads away from growth of human potential! Tentacles of religiosity reach many aspects of our lives. We who are anti-religious, need take extraordinary measures to be heard above their noise. We have to speak out against government shoving religion down our throat starting with the "pledge of allegiance" to having our president be sworn in on a Bible! Jethani makes this oxymoronic statement "some within New Atheism are proselytizing their beliefs with the fervor" without the understanding that we have NO BELIEFS in the supernatural or invisible beings. We are not an organized religion like his customers. Atheism is no belief in theism. We thrive toward understanding the universe through education, science, reason, not unsubstantiated beliefs! His premise of Atheism as a belief or fundamentalism is completely false, making this entire article false!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost